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Newsletter October 2012

We went to the international Friesian show in San Diego, wonderful meeting all those breeders and performers. We did a lot of shopping also; we went to meet Feike, Sam and Gallahan. There were amazing performers and fantasia-like extravaganza’s at night. Monte was also there. And I found out the Mare I like so much from Friesian Focus, was bought by a woman in Scottsdale Arizona. I’ve been in contact with her and will meet her shortly. We bought a brand new saddle for Cadencia. Identical to Faustus’ it was a dressage saddle by Lovett. And she paraded with it, being so proud of her new possession. We started a brand new training for Cadencia with a different trainer, based on more natural light ways of dressage. She seems to enjoy it tremendously; Faustus is training regularly with my famous trainer. Who won the national championship for Iberian horses last week.

Newsletter September 2012

We had an awesome grand meeting in a fabulous resort with a fantastic group who are Friesian owners or just about to be. We had everywhere from breeders, to artists. Tons of art was exchanged and donated during this event. Faustus legacy donated decks of cards and tote bags. We are going to create art lessons and therapy sessions in the Grace Reigning Ranch. And helping in any way we can to make this group larger and more involved, I will have photo sessions before the end of the year also. Horses are fabulous and very content. The best seller this month was the iPod cover from Faustus legacy called, “Flamboyant King”.

Newsletter August 2012

Truly the hottest and most humid time of the year, we had 112+ for more than 6 days straight. But horses are doing great in their cool barn, we have to ride at 630 am each morning because we have no choice. It doesn’t cool off in the evening, yes this is Arizona and we love it. Amazingly both pearls have extremely black coats over summer especially Faustus. We are waiting for the weather to cool off to do anything outside the domain. Their music is always on and they love it. They experience a bunch of new colors, new sounds, and a lot of love and playtime.  I read to them and they love it as well. Having recreated a new group of Friesian lovers has been very interesting we are meeting on a regular basis and exchanging our experiences and our information about this amazing breed. It’s very educational as well. We have a lot of shows planned for future meetings.

Newsletter July 2012

What a hot summer it is. Meeting new Friesian owners all the time is very pleasant. My husband and I went to Friesian focus in San Diego and looked at many gorgeous Friesians including the famous up-close and personal Monte 378. A young mare was there, and she was very pretty, she is Monte’s daughter. She looks a lot like Cadencia. We watched many of the Friesians in training and it was awesome. Horses are extremely hot in Arizona. But Faustus is still doing amazing. He is handling the heat very well. I am absolutely amazed.

Newsletter June 2012

Coming back from 3 weeks in Europe was wonderful for our entire family, I got my fix of horses in many barns. In Normandy, where most of the national jumpers reside, I met most of them. It was wonderful. The people are very different in the way they relate with their horses and I greatly enjoyed it. They're very close to them. It's very hot in Arizona and the days are limited to the early morning to ride. We're making our best to keep the horses hydrated, cool and happy. Our new Friesian club is meeting monthly, It's fun to meet and share our experiences.

Newsletter May 2012

It's starting to be very hot and I will be going to Europe for 3 weeks, I will miss my gorgeous horses but they will be trained very well, enjoying their pasture. Faustus will stroll the neighborhood with his admirers saying hello along the way. Many decks of cards, t-shirts and posters of Faustus are selling daily. I'm extremely happy about how well his art is received by his fans. It is time to place the air conditioning units in the barn for the hot summer to come; Faustus is very black this year which is wonderful. He's handling the heat very well.

Newsletter April 2012

We took our gorgeous black pearls to this event, the Scottsdale school of art, which took place in the most magnificent setting. Located in carefree, land where your eyes can see so far, it feels like a dream. Many national and international champion Arab horses live in this majestic domain, our horses felt at home right away. The crowd is so excited; we can hear them cheer before we even reach the property, which is located down a very steep hill. We put them in their respective stalls before we prepared them to perform their magnificence. I’m in Faustus’ stall, preparing him and a lot of people are watching me talk to him. Like he is a person. And I make him smile for a cookie. They’re all enchanted and in awe of our relationship. Now, it’s time to perform classical riding under saddle. And it felt like the paparazzi was everywhere, cameras flashing from every corner. Faustus was breathtaking. People were applauding. Now it was time to untack him, set him free at liberty and  to bring in Cadencia. I did a liberty show with both of them. It was so well received. Look at the photos on face book and sculptures to come.  This was an awesome exhibition.

Newsletter March 2012

Learning to passage very well on my boy now, and he is very willing. I am excited about a possibility of pas de deux demonstration. We started to ride in the arena on both horses. And I love the feeling of them sharing this riding experience. There are infinite possibilities with her but she is so young still, first, many more steps have to take place. We have been invited to present Faustus and Cadencia to the Scottsdale school of art, filled with sculptors from all over North America. We feel very honored to have been chosen to be a living, breathing, inspiration for those very talented artists. They are begging us to bring our magnificent black pearls next month. So now we’re preparing both of them for the exhibition, a lot of excitement and expectation from those wonderful artists. Photos and videos will be taken at the event. It’s very exciting.

Newsletter February 2012

Princess Cadencia is celebrating her birthday on my son’s birthday, the 16th of February. She can’t be set free on our property just yet. I tried it twice, yet the outcome was not very great. So we sang and celebrated with her favorite foods. As well as a spa treatment, with feathers and pearls in her long mane, she looked ridiculously beautiful. She truly enjoys being ridden and feels very proud of her new bridal. I bought the horses so many gorgeous apparels at the Arab show and it was amazing. I am thinking of doing more seminars, clinics, and exhibitions of Cadencia and Faustus this year. We still have a long way to go under saddle with the princess. Faustus is doing fabulous like always.

Newsletter January 2012

6th of January is Faustus’ birthday, I created a great celebration with a setup of a long table draped with a Hawaiian table cloth, placed birthday plates with his favorite foods, apples, carrots, oranges, strawberries, celery, grain, cookies etc. when I sang to him and opened the gate to invite him to his long buffet table of delights, he passed right by it. Not even noticing it. So I called him back, because I always set him free on out property. Then he came back to me and I started to make him smell the buffet. He suddenly realized, then took a bite from each plate, so politely, he has impeccable manners, his demeanor blew me away. Calm, clean, not moving anything out of place, it was amazing.  You can watch the video and pictures of his birthday for yourself it’s outstanding, On YouTube under “Faustus Birthday”.

Newsletter December 2011

Faustus is very hairy, looking like a teddy bear yet still very elegant. It’s very clear now that Cadencia wants to learn fast to catch up with Faustus, which will be near to impossible at this time. I enjoy my work with her, as well as with Faustus, she can catch an object, hold it for 4 seconds and drop it in front of me. Cadencia wants to do all the tricks that Faustus does. Friesians are very intelligent and creative; I call them the swans of the duck world, for their majesty is impeccable. I am selling so many works of art that represent Faustus on more than 130 articles. To check his boutique, research the web. He has so many fans, and his own face book page, befriend him at Faustus legacy. I feel very good riding him in the arena and he loves being ridden around the neighborhood as well. We lost our beloved great Dane, Maya, of 10 years this month. This was a very sad moment. We have already welcomed 2 white female standard poodles into our lives, Faith and Isis.

Newsletter November 2011

The days are getting shorter and cooler, an ideal weather for Friesians. They are both very frisky and excited to run together in their very large arena. Cadencia accepts her saddle very well. She looks very regal and proud with it. They both get trained 5 days a week and discover new elements to themselves every day. Their relationship is amazing; they're a perfect match.

Newsletter October 2011

Finally, Cadencia is relaxing more and is getting trained to be ridden under saddle. She is wearing the stunning Portuguese silver and black bull riding saddle of Faustus. He agreed of course to lend her this saddle for a while. Faustus is looking magnificent and his movements are more and more spectacular. So many fans are visiting Faustus legacy ranch and taking pictures of themselves with the horses and birthday pictures with their children. Lord Faustus is always willing to carry babies on his back. He has profound respect for them and loves to be admired. Cadencia is learning a lot of new things and is willing to listen to any new lesson. She is extremely intelligent and very elegant we are extremely proud of her.

Newsletter September 2011

Finally, the keuring is happening. We have trained and trained our princess Cadencia to be the best she can be for the international judges. We got the strictest judge of them all. He has been doing Friesian inspections all over the world for many years since the very beginning. We arrived at this large facility with lord Faustus and princess Cadencia the night before. She was so disoriented by the overwhelming event; she zoned out but still did very good. Then we exhibited the star Friesians, which included: Lord Faustus. And of course, the judges were blown away by his stamina, and how young he looked. After this, I had fun doing a liberty show with young Faustus. Then Miguel did a classical riding exhibition on lord Faustus, he was simply outstanding. Congratulations on both horses. Look at the videos on YouTube.

Newsletter August 2011

This month was the most enduring and painful one. Faustus choked this month, and we got very sad by it but he recovered! The heat is the worst ever.
Training very early and making sure we get exercised. Fruits and cool water is our favorite. We are taking Cadencia on short trailer rides, but she is not very fond of it yet.

Newsletter July 2011

The heat is making the training more difficult.  We are working very early in the morning and by 9:00 AM we are in for the day.  We love our pasture time in the evening.  Our swamp coolers are our best friends.  We always stay in front of them.

Newsletter June 2011

Princess Cadencia is trained five days a week and she is doing amazing.  She is growing into a beautiful mare, refined and elegant.  Faustus and her are best of friends.  They are starting to feel the heat.

Newsletter May 2011

Now we have to prepare slowly for the big event in September.  We can only work in the early mornings due to the heat.  Cadencia and Faustus are a pair made in heaven.

Newsletter April 2011

Preparing for the Keuring with Arnold Warmels from www.fryslanvalley.com
Take a look at the newsletter of Fryslan Valley about this clinic event for April 2011 Click Here

Arnold has over 25 years experience riding and training the Friesian and Dutch Warmblood. A Dutch national, he moved to America in 2005, and he his wife, Lisa, founded Friesian Valley Sport Horses. Friesian Valley and their staff, take great pride in educating American owners about the Friesian breed. It was the most educational clinic, to prepare your horse the right way to Keuring. Some participants brought their horses and experienced the impact of the Keuring preparation. Arnold is a hands-on teacher, a very personable trainer, and the Keuring was such a success that we are planning a follow-up to go into more depth about each horse and private lessons will be available to participants. I had two lessons and the transformation in riding was instant, to be one with the horse. Take the opportunity to attend one of those events. Arnold is simply the best. Oh by the way, Cadence is on the English Saddle and doing wonderfully!

Newsletter March 2011

Cadence Progress
Cadence has improved immensely and is doing a fantastic job getting used to her environment and to her full-time training. Faustus and Cadence are getting along, even though he gets jealous of my relationship with her. We will have some videos to show very soon of the evolution of Cadence's progress. We are very excited to be participating in this world wide clinic, preparing her for the Keuring in September.

Newsletter February 2011

We are so proud to announce that more then 400 visitors have come to our site in only one month! Our best sellers are: the deck of cards and T-shirts. We are very excited about our new creations being born. The Angelic Fantasy serie and the children book stories. Yes we will tell you stories you will love. We will be hosting a fabulous event on the 16th of April 2011 with Bruce Griffin from www.griffinsporthorses.com He will lead the clinic on how to prepare a Friesian horse to the keuring which will take place on the 26th of September 2011. The event will take place all day at Faustus Legacy Ranch. Again the date will be the 16th of April 2011 Cadence pronounced Cadanze in french will participate in the clinic and I Faustus will do a classical riding exhibition for you. Also We will be hosting the Friesian club monthly meeting on the 27th of March 2011. By the way, the training of Cadence is going very well. I am supervising it all, trust me on this....

Newsletter January 2011

first of all Happy new year to all of you around the whole wide world. As a stunning beginning I welcomed in my life my little niece Cadence, or Cadencia as you wish to call her. We got along the first moment we met. I recognise my kind and I was so excited to see her. She made a grand entrance with thunder and rain, just for us, to make us aware she is royalty, as I am. I even shared my food with her, believe it or not. Yes I do like her a lot. Only one thing I do not like to share with her is my muse, she is Mine. I know I will have to make an effort, our lives are changing for the better. We are family. I want to personally thank you for your overwhelming response on our creations. Thanks you so much.

Newsletter December 2010

Faustus Legacy

ihe childhelp fundraising event which was such a success and brought a lot of gifts to kids who need a smile on their face.
The store online is opened with more than 120 accessories to choose from with multiple designs.
Exciting new designs to be created for the new year.

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

Newsletter November 2010

ihe event lightness proof of balance with Manuel Trigo was a great success. We are having a follow up clinic on the 4th and 5th of December 2010, with minimal 12 horses and participants. This event is all about education of lightness and art in horsmanship.

The line of accessories is being created and the glamour limited edittion collection is available also through custom order. The art collection of large canvas is a great success. The flamboyance of colors will brighten any space. We open a boutique in FHANA mall and articles about Faustus Legacy are in the process of being written and published very soon.

We are wishing you very happy Thanksgiving and we thank you for you appreciation.


Newsletter September 2010

it is our honor to announce the official grand opening of Faustus Legacy, Inc. Our first creation is launched and ready to be purchased to embellish your environment with glorious colors and stunning images created from our heart to fill yours with joy!
This first creation is a deck of amazing cards displayed on an easel you can place on any desk or countertop. These images are on back and front of each card and are a true inspiration about partnership throughout your day. It is the perfect gift for any occasion or any season. For horse lovers and anyone the glorious images are the pure expression of the celebration of a beautiful partnership between an animal’s spirit and his human. It is presented in a very elegant gauzed pouch with a satin ribbon close. Any of these images can be sold individually and in any size ( see price/size list).
Other new creations are in the birthing room right now:
A limited edition of 24 large prints framed and glamoured will be exhibited also. This collection is called:

The glamour collection (limited edition). New products to be born are as follow:Prints (various sizes)
Laminated creations
Night lights
Children’s books
Fantasy collection
Inspirational series
And many more…

We will keep you informed about new designs and ideas as well as events on regular basis. Please visit us regularly and follow Faustus’ adventures narrated by Faustus the Magnificent himself on facebook @ Faustus Legacy. He surely enjoys his large crowd of fans.

Faustus Legacy Friesian Horse

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